Sunday, June 27, 2010

Regulation hearing

The DEM conservation hearing will be Wed June 30th. I have been told all 3 of our proposals will be heard and considered(extention of the 2 fish area, c&r for brookies in the wood, banning of felt soled waders as a beginning of a didymo prevention effort). John Troiano will be attending as the chapter rep.


Friday, June 25, 2010

The Hex hatch

The hex hatch has been going strong for approx 1 week now. The warm weather having helped things greatly. Get to the river early to claim your spot, and bring a few extra flies in case you lose some. Also consider fishing spinners in case you have some time the next morning


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The chapter

As a new trout season is going strong here are some thoughts I would like to share
First there have been some conflicts raging in this chapter that I believe have finally been ended. I hope this allow all members to once again concentrate on the conservation projects that we have been known for.
Second the chapter has been given a chance to submit suggestions for special reg water other than the Wood. Please contact any member of the board with your suggestions.
Finally the chapter will be beginning an effort to prevent the spread of invasive species in state waters. The first step in this effort will be a proposal to ban felt waders in this state.
