Monday, June 15, 2009

Fishing 6/13-6/14

Saturday I was fishing at the check station over rising fish, when I was overrun by a mad rush of kayakers, we have to remember the river belongs to everyone. From there I went over to breakheart brook where I was able to catch a couple of small rainbows on caddis pupa. Sunday I took a ride to AL Mowrey pond for the first time, I hooked a couple of fish but was unable to get them out of the weeds.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Saturday, I took a ride to the Blackstone and fished the Kelly house stretch, with little or no success. I saw minimal insect activity.
Sunday evening I fished the check station at the wood. There was a sparse hatch of mahogany duns, along with a few tan caddis flies on the water. I had several hits on soft hackles and managed to land 1 rainbow of about 13 inches

Monday, June 1, 2009

I fished at the check station yesterday(05/31). Conditions were low, clear water with a sporadic hatch of brown quills. I saw very few rising fish and was unable to catch a single trout. Also of note was a large number of canoes and kayaks